Saturday, December 12, 2009

a list!

at last. Yes, this had to come, sooner or later.

things i will no longer take for granted:
::washing machines that do not require hand wringing of clothing
::washing machines that CLEAN
::large, thick, luxurious towels (can you tell what I'm dreaming about)
::carpet and not wearing shoes indoors
::música... (damn those robbers)
::gin (specifically, gin and tonic; more specifically, gin and tonic in 616)
::friends who speak ENGLISH
::asian american community (and people not calling me "chinita")
::clean bathroom floors

In other news, I have gotten quite good at making fires and cooking with a wood stove, probably because in order to eat I have to do both. I have also bought a cell phone (if you are in Chile, call me! (09)7689.2815), finally.

The rain and the wind are beautiful. Walking in mist is wonderful, and hitchhiking into town is even better. I love nice people.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jamie,

    If you could have anything sent to you from the US in the next month, what would it be?

