Friday, March 19, 2010

sneak preview

I am officially home, where the streets are wide, I have more than three pairs of pants (the wonders of opening my closet this morning, I can't even describe), and people ask me about employment (o.O what! no not yet!). I can just walk outside to mail a letter, people don't look at me funny when I speak in English, and I can still make my way around New York!

Anyways, I also have been reunited with my laptop, which means I am again able to steal photos and post them. These are from Dan and Clare, whom I met at the end of January in Puerto Tranquilo. They're motorbiking across the world, as you can see from their many other pictures--check them out, I went to most places in this album.

Imagine coming around a bend in the car of a stranger after winding through impossible scenery (rushing rivers, waterfalls in the road, etc.), to see this gorgeous lake spread beneath a sunset. Yes, the water is emerald. This is the second largest lake in South America, and also has ridiculous caves made out of marble:

All decked out and ready for a Patagonian adventure:

More to come.

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