Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Yesterday morning, the two other WWOOF volunteers (a new one has arrived, from Oregon!), Steve (one of the farm managers), Larry (a caretaker), and I picked 500kg of avocados (or paltas, as they're called here). Oh shit, that's more than 1000 pounds of avocados, my friends. Needless to say, I passed un bueno tiempo that morning, climbing trees and finding so many beautiful fruits.

From our back field where the avocado trees grow, you can see La Campana, the mountain that Meg and I climbed, and the mountain range it sits in rising around. I felt like I was walking through an earthen bowl, carrying crates of avocados and trying not to step on any perros accompanying me.

It has been good, feeling the sun on my back, eating meals as a WWOOF family, learning Spanish from The Clinic (a leftist newspaper that makes fun of ... everything). It seems a little ironic, or at least unexpected, that the greater part of farming so far has meant tearing green things out of the earth (weeds) in order to let a small number grow. But I also feel like the sun is absorbing my creative energy... I just want to read and read and sleep and eat, but I think that's a good thing.

So, this weekend, vamos a Oktoberfest en Santiago, estoy emocionada! Meg and other WWOOFers are poised to join us next week. It's going to be a good time.

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